
Enhancing CLI User Experience with Custom Styling Options in GoLang

When it comes to command-line interfaces (CLIs), a clean, responsive, and well-styled output can make a world of difference for developers and system administrators. This is especially true in environments like Kubernetes, where CLIs such as kubectl are essential tools for managing clusters. Recently, I came across an exciting project in the style repository, which offers a customizable way to enhance the aesthetic and functional aspects of terminal-based outputs. Here, we’ll dive into how this repo works and how it can improve your project’s CLI experience.

Overview of the style Repository

The style repository, found here, provides a robust system to create custom styling and formatting for terminal messages. It is particularly useful when you want to differentiate between types of outputs such as warnings, errors, success messages, or informational tips.

By offering various formatting options and styles for CLI outputs, this project brings clarity to your terminal without sacrificing functionality. The customization options range from simple bullet points to more sophisticated emoji-based markers. These make it easy to guide users through complex workflows while maintaining a modern, engaging interface.

Key Features of the style Project

1. Customizable Prefixes and Indents:

The core of the styling framework lies in the Options struct, where developers can define how each message should appear. You can set custom prefixes (e.g., bullet points, emojis) to indicate different message types such as errors, warnings, or success messages. These visual cues provide a cleaner and more intuitive output.

var Config = map[Enum]Options{
Success: {Prefix: "✅  ", Color: Green},
Failure: {Prefix: "❌  ", Color: Red},
Tip:     {Prefix: "💡  ", Color: Yellow},

2. Low-fi Mode for Basic Terminals:

Not all environments support rich characters like emojis, and this project has accounted for that. There is a LowPrefix option that provides simple, ASCII-compatible alternatives for terminals that can’t render special characters or emojis.

func LowPrefix(s Options) string {
if s.LowPrefix != "" {
return s.LowPrefix
return LowBullet

3. Rich Color Support:

The library also incorporates color-coding for messages. This can be especially useful when dealing with large volumes of output, allowing users to quickly identify errors or other important information.

const SpinnerCharacter = 9

Why Style Matters in CLIs

While CLI tools are powerful, their usability often hinges on how well they communicate with users. A well-styled CLI can make a significant difference in user experience by clearly indicating successes, failures, and progress, which is crucial for tools like those used in DevOps or infrastructure management.

By incorporating the style project’s features into your own CLI tools, you can ensure that your users enjoy a more accessible and visually clear interface. Whether you’re managing containerized applications, deploying cloud resources, or just making basic scripts more user-friendly, enhancing style can help ensure your users have a better, more productive experience.

How to Get Started

If you’re interested in implementing these features in your own project, you can follow these steps:

1. Use the style project in your own go project:

❯ go get  github.com/DanyelMorales/style

The style project offers a simple yet powerful way to improve the readability and usability of terminal-based applications. Whether you’re building complex infrastructure management tools or simple scripts, the ability to style and format CLI output can help your users navigate and understand what’s happening more easily. The project is easy to integrate, highly customizable, and a valuable asset for developers looking to provide a polished user experience.

If you’re ready to take your CLI tool to the next level, explore the style repository today!